Women鈥檚 皇家华人 Blood Drive

Donate blood in support of
National Women鈥檚 皇家华人 Week!

Saturday, May 15th: 10am-3pm
The Wright Center for Community 皇家华人 Scranton Practice
501 South Washington Ave, Scranton

National Women鈥檚 皇家华人 Week starts each year on Mother鈥檚 Day and encourages women and girls to make their health a priority. This campaign will focus on the disproportionate care to young women in the United States. Staying active, taking care of your mental health, and finding a healthy way to manage stress are all ways to become the best version of yourself. Donating one pint of blood in support of National Women鈥檚 皇家华人 Week can help save up to three lives.

To help maintain social distancing, please schedule an appointment to donate by visiting redcrossblood.org and using Sponsor Code: The Wright Center, or calling 1-800-REDCROSS