Continue your connection to 皇家华人 State University by participating in the VSU Retirees Association!  The objective of VSURA is to provide ongoing communication between the university and its retirees. This provides an opportunity for retirees to remain involved with the ongoing life of the university and for the university to benefit from the accumulated wisdom of the retirees.

Please join us in VSURA activities throughout the year. Activities include co-hosting the annual Retired Faculty and Staff Luncheon, which honors new retirees, and hosting monthly retiree luncheons, which provide an opportunity to stay in touch with old friends and to learn about current developments at the university. Recent luncheons have included presentations about Learning in Retirement, Estate Planning, Health & Wellness, Peach State Summer Theatre, Alumni Relations, and Association of Retiree Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE) conference.

VSURA activities are announced through the Retirees listserv (email). 

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The Association accepts to support outreach to our retirees. Make sure to choose "Other" in the Designation drop down box and type Retirees Association in the Other field.

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