Welcome to Campus Mail
The Mail Center is responsible for picking-up, sorting, processing, metering and delivering all intercampus, VSU official mail and packages. We also offer shipping and additional services for all students, faculty and staff. Please note that we are not an official Federal Post Office and do not provide services such as money orders or passport photos. Campus Mail services include: Incoming and Outgoing mail processing, Bulk Mail processing, Campus Mail Delivery, Small Parcel Shipping using couriers such as Federal Express and United Parcel Service, Student Mail Boxes, Window Services for items such as US Postal Service stamps; address list management and certified barcoded mailings; and pressure seal folding.
Section Supervisor
Kathy Barker
Location: Hopper Hall 1st floor
Window Service Hours
Monday–Thursday: 8:30am–5pm • Friday: 8:30am–2:30pm
Campus Mail Service assigns VSU Boxes to each student living in a residence hall. The cost for the box is included in the fees at registration and is for personal use only. All box holders must check each semester to verify the box number and combination which are located on banner.
VSU Box Combinations Online!
Go to:
1. Click on Registration & Advising
2. Login | Student ID & PIN
3. Student & Financial Aid
4. View Campus Mail Box
5. Choose Term
Campus Mail Service attempts to reassign VSU Boxes each semester but extenuating circumstances (student not active on the housing roster at the time of the assignments) may prevent the reassignment.
Email Alert for Packages! An email notice will be sent to the box holder’s VSU email if an item requires a signature or is too large to fit in the VSU Box. These items can be obtained through the Student Mail Center
Service Window with a valid ID. Please be able to provide the date you received the email notice.
Box holders are requested to use the proper address format given below. Mail and Parcels must match the box holder’s assigned to the box. If an item is not appropriately addressed in the student’s name and address it may result in the item being returned to the sender.
Example of The correct address is:
Student Name
VSU (assigned box number)
皇家华人 State University
1500 N Patterson St
皇家华人, GA 31698
If you find an item is shipped by a vendor using a family member’s name please alert the Student Mail Center as soon as possible. A high incidence of cell phone related packages received over the past year do not contain the student’s name or box number on the shipping label making it difficult to confirm the correct recipient.
Moving or Moved Off Campus?
More than ever this is a very important process! Check your Banner address for the most up to date information and accuracy! If you have moved off campus you will need to provide the Student Mail Center your new address or any mail addressed to your "former" VSU Box will be returned to sender. Please email Holly Decker, Section Supervisor for the Student Mail Center your new mailing address.
Make sure you check with the USPS Website to check your new address. Not everyone provides
it in the correct format.
Include your full name, VSU Box number and new address to keep your mail moving forward.
Please note: Your mail will be forwarded for one year unless you move back on campus. Your VSU Box will be activated the first move-in day of the semester and your forwarding will stop.
Instructions for using VSU box combinations:
1. Turn dial LEFT 4 turns, stopping at the first number.
2. Turn RIGHT, passing 1st number one time, stopping at 2nd number.
3. Turn LEFT, stopping at 3rd number.
4. Turn the dial to the RIGHT to unlatch the door.
5. Reset lock by turning dial twice to the left. Leaving the box without resetting the lock
leaves your mail vulnerable to pilfering
Call the Student Mail Center at 229 249-2694 or email: vsumail@valdosta.edu.
Need to know your VSU Box Assignment or Combination?
Log into Banner Web, Financial Aid and Student Services tab, then click on the Campus Mail link. Be sure to check out your mailing address format.
Expecting a package?
You will receive an email notification any time a package is checked in for you. Please note if the package is a USPS Delivery Confirmation and will fit in your box you will not receive notification.
Moving or Moved Off Campus?
More than ever this is a very important process! Check your Banner address for the most up to date information and accuracy!
If you have moved off campus you will need to provide the VSU Box Section your new address or any mail addressed to your "former" VSU Box will be returned to sender. Please email Holly Decker at the Student Mail Center. Include your full name, VSU Box number, and new address to keep your mail moving forward.
Please note: Your mail will be forwarded for one year unless you move back on campus. Your VSU Box will be activated the first move-in day of the semester and your forwarding will stop.
- Addressee Name
- VSU (assigned box number)
- 1500 N Patterson St
- 皇家华人 GA 31698
- Addressee Name
- Department Name
- 皇家华人 State University
- 1500 N Patterson
- 皇家华人 GA 31698
Campus Mail provides 皇家华人 State University’s faculty and staff with postal services. We offer the convenience of daily departmental deliveries for every office.
VSU departments are requested to have outgoing mail ready for pick-up (separated and bundled by mail to be metered and inner-campus mail correspondence) when the carrier provides mail delivery. Mail which is not ready must be held for the next pick-up or delivered to Campus Mail. Any office having an extraordinary need should direct their request to vsumail@valdosta.edu.
Campus Mail Services is equipped with postage metering machines and will affix postage to all official university mail. Consult with Campus Mail Service staff for the best method of mailing or shipping any outgoing items when concerns arise. Campus Mail will not affix postage on any mail without a 皇家华人 State University return address and a plus four postal code from the sending department. We do not process personal outgoing mail either. No cash sales are transacted with departments by the Mail Carriers.
Monday – Thursday Campus Mail Service must have all 1st Class and Expedited outbound letters and packages in the office by 3:00 to fulfill same day processing and 1:30 on Friday. Call if you are unable to meet these schedules to see if we can assist with your request.
Campus Mail advises all departments sending out mass mailings (non-profit, over 200 pieces and first class presort mailings over 500 pieces) to help determine lowest possible rates and timely schedules. We will coordinate the pick-up and delivery of mass mailings from the departments and offices to Campus Mail and to the U.S. Postal Service Bulk Mail Technician.
Due to Postal regulations, nonprofit mailings require additional processing, which require a three day turnaround time, but will be processed sooner if possible. If the mailing requires tabbing and or addressing that must be coordinated with the Print Shop as this will require more time.
Campus Mail Service will assist and advise in the preparation of “mass” mailings and on such matters as lowest mail rates, mail schedules on campus and deliveries to and from the US Post Office in 皇家华人. Where the urgency of the mailing requires special handling, Campus Mail Service will assist in every possible way in meeting the USPS regulations.
- Mailers who want the discounted presorted rate (Campus Mail Service processes daily letter correspondence as 1st Class Presort to realize a discount) or automation rates for First-Class and Standard Mail (Non-Profit Mailings are included in Standard Mail) must abide by USPS regulations. If we are to realize any type of discount on mailings submitted to the Post Office - the addresses used in the mailings - newsletters, catalogs, notices of all types - must be checked against the National Change of Address System. Before you mail your list it must be checked. USPS requirements are every 95 days for Move Updates. Contact Ron Butler ext 5031, for details and list parameters.
All VSU departments are encouraged to consult and use the Office of Creative Design Services to take full advantage of the staff's experience in Postal Regulations for Mail-piece Design. Please contact Jeff Grant, ext 3852.
Mail Design and Automation addressing saves postage and ensure your mail will reach the recipient in a timely manner. Non-profit letters sent under the CASS approved process travel faster and with 1st class mail.
As with any questions concerning mailings, list updates, addressing, Postal Regulations please call Campus Mail Service Ext: 5672. We are happy to assist you with a successful mailing.
Outbound items must be accompanies by the following form: Package Processing Request Form
The University will not pay postage for personal mail. Personal mail dropped off at the mail center without postage will be returned to sender for proper postage to be affixed or will be sent out postage due to the addressee.
Campus Postal Services is only allowed to deliver 皇家华人 State University business related mail/parcels to all faculty and staff. If a personal package is received, a notification email will be sent to make arrangements for pick-up at the mail center. Personal mail will not be delivered and may be returned back to the sender.
Campus Mail
1204 N. Patterson St.
皇家华人, GA 31698 Student Mail
Hopper Hall 1st floor -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
皇家华人, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5672